Our Services

Four-Leaf Foundations

How can we help you?

Site Clover provides a variety of web design, development and marketing services, and support you to grow your business online. These are the Four-Leaf Foundations: Design, Development, Marketing & Support.



Site Clover will create a captivating website design that reflects your brand & personality


In need of a fresh look or want some new features? We will redesign your website to fit your new needs


We design logos and branding elements, define your brand’s style and colour scheme

Membership Sites

We will create your membership website with registration, login, and members-only access areas


For online shopping experiences, we create your online store and get you ready to receive payments


We will create your business directory or membership profiles with custom search & filters

Events and more

Event management, classifieds, portfolios and more – get in touch to see what we can do for you



Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Your SEO is taken care of with full schema support, title and meta descriptions, site crawls and more

Social Media Marketing

We will help you set up and maintain your social media profiles and plan a content calendar

Content Strategy

We create comprehensive content strategies that drives your key business objectives

Email & Newsletter Marketing

We design email templates and help you collect leads to establish a growing customer base

Hosting & Analytics

When you host your website with us, you can view your site analytics right on your Dashboard

Updates & Backups

Site Clover monitors and tests website updates, and performs full website backups every 24 hours

Security & Performance

We keep your website safe from hackers and monitor performance to ensure your site is running at its best

Technical Support

If you need any help, feel free to get in touch! We extend our personal support to you whenever you need assistance


Are you ready to grow your business?

Get in touch with us today

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